This title sequence if from the
film Nerve. It begins straight away with bright colours such as pink and yellow
which connotes positiveness. The flashes of change in colour mimic the
lights of cities such as Las Vegas, New York etc giving the audience a clue to
where this film may be set. This creates a sense of excitement, which is one of
the aspects that Kyle Cooper claims makes title sequence's successful. The
opening credits are then distributed through the title sequences in various
ways, many being through current technology such as iphone imessaging,
soundcloud, snapchat etc. This makes it clear that this film is based on modern
lifestyle, meaning that the audience will be able to relate and understand to an extent what is happening in the film.
first few seconds of the title sequence of Caroline begins with the credits in
the form of a thread sewn into material. This creative way of presenting the opening
credits automatically makes the audience assume that the person behind the
sewing must be elderly and more so female as stereotypically sewing/knitting is
a hobby older people are partake in. Sewing/knitting is a calming, relaxing hobby
that immediately sets a tranquil atmosphere in the film opening, along with the
soothing music. The scene seamlessly dovetails into the next, the next scene being quite strange and unusual. A window appears and in floats a doll, then captured by a hand made of needles. This scene further confirms that this film is
centred around textiles, however despite sewing being a calming, seemingly normal
activity, the strange aspect of the hands made of needles creates a sense of
confusion and fantasy, implying that the film will not be based on the norm,
it will create the sense of escapism through animated characters. The next few
scene consists of the hand made of needles creating a doll, using different
components such as blue thread for hair and black buttons for eyes to create
specific features. This is a unique way of introducing the main character, it
poses questions to the audience such as, who is this girl? And why is she being
recreated as a doll? From the title sequence it is clear that the genre of the
film is mystery, dark fantasy and perhaps a thriller despite it being animation
which is more typically popular with younger ages.
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