Friday, 7 October 2016

Favourite Previous Students Work

Group 28

My REACTION to their title sequence  

Group 28s title sequence and film opening really stood out to me compared to everyone else and immediately became my favourite. I was shocked at how good the camera work and the content of the film was and how they could fit in so much in a few minutes without giving away too much. The tile sequence was filled with different types of shots and match cuts which flowed and left me intrigued to find out what happened to the main character. The editing was very effective as it created a hostile horror atmosphere which reflected on the films genre perfectly. The voice over captured the audiences attention immediately drawing them into the film. In my opinion i think the title sequence is really good and met all the media criteria of a film opening gaining a very high mark and is hopefully the type of quality and content my group creates.

Jada`s Blog 
Out of everyone in the group Jada's Blog stood out to me the most and not only because she had the most posts. The blog was very detailed and thorough which gave the readers a huge insight to what happened behind the scenes of creating the title sequence, from the planning, to the filming and the editing. It allowed the reader to follow the journey that Jada and her group went on throughout the year of making these film openings and to see their progress from rough cuts to their final piece. There was a great ordeal of deep analysis with every post which was very informative and effective. The blog was very well presented and continued the theme of horror very well with the dark background and far fonts. It was also very easy to navigate and understand.

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