Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Analyse the use of sound in one film opening.

In the film Saw title sequence it uses diegetic and non diegetic sounds to compliment each other in a way that heightens the audience's experience and causes more excitement. The intense beat of the background music (non diegetic) mimics the sound of a heartbeat. This causes tensions and anxiousness to rise, as this makes the audience feel as if the sound is there own heartbeat, rising due to fear. This makes the audience feel as if they're part of the film.The use of this beat creates a tense and unrelaxed atmosphere, causing the audience to feel alert and attentive. The screeching sound effects as well as the sound of malfunctioning technology suggest that this film is from a time where technology was not at it best, which explains the low quality sound. This use of diegetic sounds further add to the frighting atmosphere. The sound of screams are genre signifiers as screams are outbursts due to shocks or pain, two aspects that are present in all thriller/horror films. The suddenness of the screams will also cause the audience to be shocked and surprised. The use of volume change from low to high, connote lack of control, implying that whilst watching this film, the audience will have no control over their emotions. 

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