The important of Sound In Film
According to George Lukas, director of Star wars franchise:
'Sound is 50%'
But what is the real definition of sound and soundscape.....
So in other words, sound is anything we hear in relation to film and the soundscape is the overall sound environment.
Theres 2 main types of sound:
Diegetic Sound- Sound is called diegetic when it relates to what the characters are doing and sounds realistic. For example, two characters talking or the sound of a door opening.
Non diegetic sound- Sound is said to be non diegetic when its not directly from the film nor realistic but compliments the film such as sound effects or music.
Both diegetic and non diegetic sound is very important and essential in a film as they make it more engaging and realistic. It draws the reader in making the film more intense and builds up suspension. For example, in the clip below sound makes this war scene much more intense and effective.
Now play the same scene but muted without sound....
It doesn't have the same effect as it did with sound, it makes it less tense and more tedious.Its no longer engaging as it used to be.
To use sound effectively and to the best you have to have the right mixture of diegetic sound and non diegetic sound.
- Although some films might only play a soundtrack during the title sequence of a film, it is very rare for a film not to layer a musical score, sound effects of some kind and match the beat of the sound with an edit of the image. The effect of this layering or synchronisation helps to make the sound and image work together and appear seamless, thus heightening what we are both hearing and seeing.
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