Wednesday 7 December 2016

Day 1 Filming

1st Vlog

Imovie to edit Vlog

During filming we tried to record what we was doing and try update everyone yet it was difficult once we was focused and invested in filming. But, from what we filmed you can see that we had an early start on Friday to film a few shots of our title sequence in the morning. 

Today, we filmed majority of the outdoors scene where we can see the main character getting stalked and followed whilst travelling around London. Here a few pics of the scenes...

What went well
  • We managed to film everything that was on our schedule and stuck to our plan. 
  • There wasn't much wind so that the recording is clear 
  • We used the camera well without any problems and became comfortable with it towards the end improving my filming skills as wen went on.
  • We managed our time well and didn't have to end up rushing.

But even though we was quite happy with our filming we did face a few problems which we quickly resolve and kept going so that we didn't waste a lot of time, a few examples are:
  • In some areas we wasn't allowed to film in like the N1 centre and in kings cross but we managed to talk to the security guards explaining it was a student film that we was doing so that we got permission to film in king cross.
  • The equipment was heavy and with only one person filming constantly due to the lack of people in our group it put a strain in our filming making the recording a little bit shaky.
  • We had a few arguments and disagreements about what we was filming and how we was filming but we had a mature conversation to sort everything out and move on as quickly as possible.

Weather reports 

  • The weather was very cold since it was early in the morning which left us all chilled.
  • Next time we should check the weather before hand and dress up according to it.

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