Sunday, 15 January 2017

Editing 1

Titles and title credits are featured in every title sequence and is a very important element. The title of a film often relates to it as a whole and sets a tone. It does this by the name of the title itself e:g 'Doppelganger' , immediately giving the audience an idea of what the film is going to be about, due to the fact that specific titles are used with clear connotations. Credits are also very important in films, as the give recognition to the actors as well as the people who were involved in the production of this film. 


Our title sequence was constructed on the software Premier Pro, however our title credits were produced in After Effects. We began by opening our title sequence through Premier Pro and then clicking 'file' 'Adobe Dynamic Link' and then 'New After Effects Composition.' This is a more efficient way of creating credits for our title sequence, as this way we did not have to continuously import titles from after effects to premier pro. This in turn saved a lot of time. By creating title credits this way, whatever we produced in After effects would automatically import itself to our Premier Pro file - changes and all. 

After clicking 'New After Effects Composition' a blank page would appear in After Effects. After typing a simple 'Doppelganger' the title of our title sequence, we went onto the website Dafont, to find the perfect font for our film. Font play an important part in a title sequence, as it often sets a tone, telling the audience a lot about a film. We chose the font 'Lugosi' a font that had connotations of crime, violence and something immoral. To make this font appear as an option in After Effects, we simply downloaded it onto the desktop.

After applying the font Lugosi to our title, we decided to add an effect to give it more of a personality. We did this by clicking 'Effects and Presets' to the right of the blank page. This gives us options to various effects to add to our title. At first we were very adamant on using an effect called Jiggy, which caused the title to shake vigorously. We got this idea from the title sequence 'Se7en', a title sequence that we were majorly influenced and inspired by, that is also a thriller and has a stalking element. However, after some consideration, we decided that this effect is to heavy and perhaps over the top for our title sequence. The connotations were too harsh, giving off horror vibes rather than thriller. Our film did not involve any gruesome, grotesque scenes and upon realising this we decided to use a more toned down effect. We ended up choosing, a fade in effect, where each letter of our title appeared slowly. This related to the fact, that Alessandra (evil twin) slowly entered Millicent's (good twin) life, unknowingly. 

To add the effect, all we did was simply drag it onto the title itself and clicked the space bar to watch it. After we were content with it, we merely clicked off After Effects, onto Premier Pro, where our newly made title sequence was already waiting. After watching it once more, we dragged the short clip onto our other title sequence clips. Because this was our main title we did not drag it onto our other title sequence clips, in order for it to appear on a blank screen. With the main title on a blank screen, the audience will focus purely on it and not be distracted by anything else, which emphasises it purpose. However for our other credits, we dragged it on top on of of clips, in order for them to merge. 

One problem we faced while completing our title and title credit, is making remembering to save it to our video drive. Each time we opened a 'New After Effects Composition.' an option to save it to either our desktop, downloads etc was presented, however due to the process of making credits being so simple and quick, it was difficult to remember to stop and click save to video drive. This was a problem, as when we opened our title sequence on another computer, all our new credits would not appear. This in turn slowed us down as we had to re create the credits all over again and this time save them to the video drive.

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