Editing was one the things we struggled with as a whole group. But editing is one of the most important parts in a production of a title sequence as it brings your whole title sequence together. So after getting familiar with both premiere pro and after affects we managed to get the hang of it. We still had several things to do including,
- Effects
- Title credits
- Ident
- Distribution company
- Colour Correction, Lightening
- Soundscape
- Match cuts
2. Idents- Creating our ident was one of the first things we did as it should appear at the start of the a title sequence. We used after effects in order to do this and used a simple effect which gets our point across.
According to the codes and conventions of a title sequence the distribution company should come next after the Production Ident which is what we did next
This consisted of the same concept of making a production ident so wasn't difficult at all. After doing these a number of time it become no struggle at all.
3. Sound- Creating a Soundscape for our title sequence went well for us. We used a mixture of digetic and non diegetic sounds to create the most realistic out come possible. As well as including the original back ground sound from filming we had our instrumental music and a low drone sound effect both run through the entire title sequence. At times we increased the volume to heighten certain emotions from the audience and build suspense and vice versa, decreasing the volume as well. The low drone complimented the title sequence. We used the fade effect to have a nice slow build up of the music and a fade out to create a nice effect. We had sound effects at certain places to compliment the title sequence such as the iPhone text message sounds when a message poped up on the screen, a low steady heartbeat at certain scenes, and much more. Personally, i found sound too be the easiest aspect in editing.
5. Colour Correction- Some of our scenes we filmed when it was dark to get more spinster and mysterious effect which was great but was too dark that you couldn't see the actors facial expression when she gets grabbed from behind. This was an important factor as you can see the shock and fear in the characters face which we wanted to get across to the audience, so to be able to see her facial expression was key. Thus, we had to make them scenes lighter increasing its lightening and contrast. This complimented the film and made a huge difference. In order to make all the scenes flow we had to colour correct lighter scenes and darker scenes so that they look more realistic as if it all happened in the same day.
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