Sunday, 18 December 2016

Day 2 Filming

Today we filmed our dark room scene for our title sequence. A dark room is a place where photography gets processed and the room needs to be dark in order for photos to process clearly and produce the best quality. Dark rooms usually have bright lights that create a red hue, this is one aspect that drew us to using this setting as the colour red has connotations of death and danger. 

Our original plan was to go to an actual dark room as we believed that would make our film seem more realistic and authentic, however this is when we came across our first problem. To use the red room it would cost money and also we would need to ask permission to film inside. We quickly overcame this problem by deciding to make our own dark room, using the equipment and resources we had available.

We decided to use a small room in our college, that is used for photography purposes however is not quite a dark room. In order to mimic the look of a dark room we placed a red gel lighting sheet over large light which illuminated the room in a red hue. We then used string and clothing pegs and attached them to photos we had taken ourselves. These photos were of Louanne (who played the character Millicent) in different locations. The idea was to make the photos look as if Shannel (who played the character Alessandra) had been stalking Louanne, taken photos of her and is now processing them. 

In a dark room photos are normally process by placing them in liquid, so in order to create this we used a plastic container and water.

In this scene Alessandra (played by Shannel) is processing the photos by shaking them in the plastic container and hanging them up to dry. She wears a large oversized faux fur jacket which hides her face. Rahma, who controls the camera, angles it so that Shannel's face cannot be seen. This is to add suspense and create enigmas. 

 We managed to gather up all the material we needed in order to create the illusion of a red room. We managed our time well so had a lot of spare time to take extra shots.


One problem we faced was that the string with the photos attached kept falling, as it could not support the weight. This was a problem, as it would fall during filming, meaning we would have to redo shots. Another problem was that one leg of the tripod was broken, so in order for us to continue using it without producing shaky shots, was for Louanne to assist Rahma in holding it up right. 

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