Monday, 19 December 2016

Day 3

3rd Vlog

Imovie to edit Vlog


Ironically, even though it was our last day filming we filmed our first few scenes of our title sequence. This consisted of when they're messaging each other at the start of the day and is filmed in her bedroom. We managed to keep to our schedule and our plan which was very well as we didn't run over time and didn't have to rush anything. At the end of the day we was quite proud of the scenes we filmed as we used a variety of shots and camera skills. We didn't face a lot of problems or issues but one we did was keeping the camera still and steady when panning or filming as we didn't have a tripod. If i could go back and make any improvements it would be to use a tripod and film more earlier so it doesn't get too dark. The weather was quite cold but fortunately it didn't rain even though we was indoors majority of the time.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Day 2 Filming

Today we filmed our dark room scene for our title sequence. A dark room is a place where photography gets processed and the room needs to be dark in order for photos to process clearly and produce the best quality. Dark rooms usually have bright lights that create a red hue, this is one aspect that drew us to using this setting as the colour red has connotations of death and danger. 

Our original plan was to go to an actual dark room as we believed that would make our film seem more realistic and authentic, however this is when we came across our first problem. To use the red room it would cost money and also we would need to ask permission to film inside. We quickly overcame this problem by deciding to make our own dark room, using the equipment and resources we had available.

We decided to use a small room in our college, that is used for photography purposes however is not quite a dark room. In order to mimic the look of a dark room we placed a red gel lighting sheet over large light which illuminated the room in a red hue. We then used string and clothing pegs and attached them to photos we had taken ourselves. These photos were of Louanne (who played the character Millicent) in different locations. The idea was to make the photos look as if Shannel (who played the character Alessandra) had been stalking Louanne, taken photos of her and is now processing them. 

In a dark room photos are normally process by placing them in liquid, so in order to create this we used a plastic container and water.

In this scene Alessandra (played by Shannel) is processing the photos by shaking them in the plastic container and hanging them up to dry. She wears a large oversized faux fur jacket which hides her face. Rahma, who controls the camera, angles it so that Shannel's face cannot be seen. This is to add suspense and create enigmas. 

 We managed to gather up all the material we needed in order to create the illusion of a red room. We managed our time well so had a lot of spare time to take extra shots.


One problem we faced was that the string with the photos attached kept falling, as it could not support the weight. This was a problem, as it would fall during filming, meaning we would have to redo shots. Another problem was that one leg of the tripod was broken, so in order for us to continue using it without producing shaky shots, was for Louanne to assist Rahma in holding it up right. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Twitter @CNImedia2 - Social Media


Look out for our Twitter to get quick up to date news on our title sequence and what we are doing.
Be sure to leave your feedback....


Advertising Our Film - Film Posters

Posters and flyers are created for one particular purpose - to inform. They're a type of media in the form of large printed pictures that usually have a certain theme to it. These themes range from festivals, to concerts to films, each one featuring information to make people aware. Posters are another type of advertising, they're placed in different areas, made to catch the eye of target audiences or any audience in general. Posters are an effective way of advertising as not everyone may have technology such as TV's, phones etc or may miss an advertisement while watching TV or on the radio. However this form of advertising is not limited to just people fortunate enough to have such things as a laptop. Posters are merely adverts in person, images on paper. Posters assure that everyone and anyone will be aware of an event, film, festival etc. 


We have chosen to name our film 'The Doppelganger' as it means a replica of a person. This relates to our plot as it is centred on twins - Millicent and Alessandra. Doppelganger is a unique name which is why we chose it, as we want our film to stand out and be different to other thrillers.
The background of our poster is of a dark room for photography. We have chosen to use this image as the dark room is a recurring setting in our film. By giving the audience an insight to the places where are film will be set, we're already creating enigmas before the film has even been released. In our film, the dark room is where Alessandra constantly returns to process the pictures she has taken of her sister while stalking her. We have chosen to use close up shots, with the images blurred as once again this causes questions to arise from the audience such as "What kind of pictures are being processed?" This makes the audience curious and in turn will make them want to go and watch the film, to answer their questions and confirm their theories.

Colours are very important when producing a posters as they have connotations and often set the tone and atmosphere - not to mention certain colours appeal and attract certain audiences. I have chosen the colours black and red, as they connotes death, danger and evil. This implies that are film will feature these elements, which is my aim. I have specifically chosen these colours in order to give the audience a clue about what the film will consist of and involve. Evil, danger and death all relate to Alessandra as she has committed many immoral acts such as trying to set her sister alight at a young age. She was considered dangerous and was therefore placed in a mental asylum. The white on our poster connotes innocence which refers to Millicent, who is the victim in our film, having to endure the malevolent actions of her evil twin sister.

Day 1 Filming

1st Vlog

Imovie to edit Vlog

During filming we tried to record what we was doing and try update everyone yet it was difficult once we was focused and invested in filming. But, from what we filmed you can see that we had an early start on Friday to film a few shots of our title sequence in the morning. 

Today, we filmed majority of the outdoors scene where we can see the main character getting stalked and followed whilst travelling around London. Here a few pics of the scenes...

What went well
  • We managed to film everything that was on our schedule and stuck to our plan. 
  • There wasn't much wind so that the recording is clear 
  • We used the camera well without any problems and became comfortable with it towards the end improving my filming skills as wen went on.
  • We managed our time well and didn't have to end up rushing.

But even though we was quite happy with our filming we did face a few problems which we quickly resolve and kept going so that we didn't waste a lot of time, a few examples are:
  • In some areas we wasn't allowed to film in like the N1 centre and in kings cross but we managed to talk to the security guards explaining it was a student film that we was doing so that we got permission to film in king cross.
  • The equipment was heavy and with only one person filming constantly due to the lack of people in our group it put a strain in our filming making the recording a little bit shaky.
  • We had a few arguments and disagreements about what we was filming and how we was filming but we had a mature conversation to sort everything out and move on as quickly as possible.

Weather reports 

  • The weather was very cold since it was early in the morning which left us all chilled.
  • Next time we should check the weather before hand and dress up according to it.

Monday, 5 December 2016


Our film doesn't consists of a lot of props or make up or costumes. Its a more simple, realistic film show casing what could happen to any person on a regular normal day. Our film has a lot of mundane realism which can relate to a lot of people who have gone threw being stalker or followed.
  • 6.6 million people are stalked in one year recorded the US
  • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 19 men have experienced stalking.
A few examples of the props and costumes  we`ll be using in our film:
  • Normal Everyday Clothes for the main character which is the victim which is getting stalked, Dark clothes for our stalker, black faux fur jacket, black tracksuits, black backpack.This adds a more mysterious and scary element to the film.
  • Mobile Phone and Laptop 
  • Multiple printed out pictures to use in the dark room, hanged up.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Pitch Evaluation


Advertising our Film - Social Media

One way we could advertise our film is through social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook. As our target audience is young adults this would be a perfect way of attract them as they're constantly on their social media apps. 

Follow us on Twitter to get quick updates 

Friday, 2 December 2016

Blogging Health Check 2

Mark: B
Grade: 16

Personal Targets: Overall, i think my blogging health check went well but can get better. My personal target grade would be an A so i have to improve my blogs and the frequency of them, making them more detailed and thorough. I need to showcase everything we do on the blog as sometimes we forgot to take some pictures and to now take a step further, do more extra individual posts.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Order Of titles

Were going to be using a mixture of these fonts for our titles with it embedded into our film stylised and discrete. 


Casting Auditions

We held casting auditions for the characters of our 2 main females characters, these are the pictures of the people who auditioned.

Schedule - Rahma

To keep up to date with all of our filming and reach our deadlines we made a filming schedule so that we are more organised and had a straight structure:

Filming Dates:

1.   Friday 2nd December 09:00AM 

    2.     Monday 5th December 09:00AM

        3.    Wednesday 7th December 12:15PM

      4.     Thursday 8th December 01:15PM


1. Kings Cross

    2. Regents Canal

      3.Louanne House

4. Cafe

5. Shoreditch

       6.Open Spaces in Central London


Our new title - Shannel Darko

One objective our group was told to work on from our pitch feedback was our title. We were told that Obsession ( our original title sequence ) was too common and overly used. Our group concluded this was a problem, as our aim is to make our title sequence unique. Another objective we were told to work on was the making the plot of our film clearer, as just from the title sequence, the audience would be unable to tell that the film is centred on twins. So based on these two objectives, we decided to name our film 'The Doppleganger.'

Doppleganger is a unique word for twin. By using this title we not only stand out from other cliche title sequences with mediocre names but we also give our audiences a clue/idea of what our film may be based on. 

PLANNING: Which Institution/ studio will distribute your film?

Institutional Details  

Our film will be a independent production, as the actors/actresses featured in the film are not well know. Also we have limited distributions.

Warner Bros

The production company I have chosen in warner bros, as there very mainstream, and known for producing thrillers

New Line Cinema

I've also chosen newline cinema's as its a institution known for distributing thrillers including 'seven'. the genre is indicated through there simple yet dark ident.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

FeedBack - Rahma Abudlle Alasow

FeedBack Changes

After we got our feedback we made a few changes...



Our Title: 



Our Locations: 

Another problem we realised is that we had to change a few of our locations as it was based in places which we would have to get permission to film in e.g shopping malls, train station. This could cause many problems so we decided to use the more public places such as the canal and open spaces so that we have more freedom and wouldn't be breaking any rules.